Thursday, February 24, 2011

P + E = IT


Have you ever said: "That person has it." Maybe you didn't say it but you knew what you meant. During a conversation late one night a few years ago, my friend Bree asked me: what constitutes someone that has "it"?

What she meant is that there are certain people in life that have it and there are those that don't. Whether you have witnessed this yourself and said: "so and so is a born........." or someone made that statement about you, it does exist. Listening to Anthony Robbins was so much fun for me all the way back to high school. My Mother gave me a set of tapes titled "Personal Power", and I was hooked. I remember him saying that he was fascinated from a young age at what makes people successful.

Throughout my life so far I have been fortunate enough to hear people say things to me that hint towards me having "it". I have also choosen to begin a business venture with someone that has also heard those comments. So if the two of us have "it", then what do we have and how can I pass that on to others for their benefit? Well that is not easy to answer and I will do my best throughout my blogs to do so. In the meantime....... When Bree asked me that question, I immediately answered: "When you put a person in the element they were meant to be in, when you have passion plus experience equals it. P + E = IT." Without any hesitation that was my answer. I know that I come up with some great things and that one has stuck with me. I've heard if you want to love what you do, find out a way to make money from your hobby. Why is that? It's because you would be passionate about it. When you are passionate about something, your entire constitution changes, now add experience that develops competence and you have "IT".

As always I can be found at or near Follow the YouTube link and watch the video titled "Over the top 2" and you will see first hand my initial answer to Bree's question caught on video.

I desire you to chase after those dreams of yours and have the intelligence to turn them into goals, overcome the obstacles and achieve "IT".

-Destry Brink

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