Sunday, March 13, 2011

Until time ends, fear nothing.

Quote of the day: “…people who cannot suffer can never grow up, can never discover who they are….”                                    -James Baldwin

Hey Stellar Fans,

Your fears are imagined and self-imposed, for the most part. Are there real fears? Of course! If you are standing at the edge of a skyscraper, willing to jump off and free-fall down with no assistance you are going to die. That fear would be real. That fear will serve you. What of the fears that are imagined and self-imposed? Some of these fears are, poverty, failure, success, rejection, and loneliness. These fears can cripple you if you let them.

“You can completely change who you are and the path of your life.”

The trick with fears is to act on it. Take it head on and conquer it. Overcoming fears has a euphoric feeling attached to it. You can completely change who you are and the path of your life.

Anthony Robbins, for years, did a fire walk during seminars. Paraphrasing him, he has written; “this was not a lesson about the benefits of walking across hot coals, but a lesson in beliefs. That the fears holding you back are only imaginary.”

“Afterwards they find themselves literally swept on to success.”

There are far too many examples in our culture of individuals that confronted, and overcame their fears. Afterwards they find themselves literally swept on to success.

Lance Armstrong nearly died of cancer; afterward he won the Tour de France a record 7 times, in a row! The fear of dying was conquered, the pain he had to endure during those races let him know that he was alive.

“….a level of confidence unmatched in thought and action.”

Be present in your suffering, soak it up and experience it for all it is. Consider your inhibitions to step out above the crowd a faceless fear, and then attack it. To conquer fear, you must have a resolve, an unquestioned belief in your eventual success, and a level of confidence unmatched in thought and action.

Word of the day:  pernicious /per·ni·cious/ (per-nish´us) a. Tending to cause death or serious injury; deadly: a pernicious virus. b. Causing great harm; destructive: pernicious rumors

I came across this word while reading The 50th Law by 50 Cent & Robert Greene. It was mentioned in the first chapter which is based on the fearful attitude and how pernicious that attitude is to your success.

Destry Brink

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