Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What's Next?

Hey Stellar Fans,

Do you know what is next for you? If not, why not? Since having goals is constantly littered inside most self-help literature, I should cover it too. There is a lot about goals you can learn by reading up on the subject, and I would advise that you do.

So I will assume most of you have participated in New Years Resolutions, right? Good, that is somewhat of a start. I have learned that a lot of those resolutions consist of "give up" goals.

"I'm gonna lose XX pounds"
"I'm gonna pay off XXX debt"
blah, blah, blah, blah

There is a part of your brain that brings to your awareness things that you consistently think about. Have you ever bought a car, or wanted a particular type of car? And then, began noticing that car everywhere you went? Those cars did not just appear. They were always there. However, in the past, your brain filtered that information out of your conscious awareness because it didn't think it was important for you to know about it. Once you put that thought in your brain though, the filtering process changed and began showing you how that car is in abundance.

So what does this have to do with the goals? Well, look at them again. POUNDS, DEBT, ECT.

1. Think about what you do want, not what you don't want. Your brain took the subject and started working on it. So you thought 4 door Chevy Cavalier, now you are seeing a bunch of cavaliers. Your start talking about debt, even though you want to get rid of it, you're still talking about debt. That is what your brain will start working on, showing you more debt.

2. Infiltrate your life with it. Thinking about it is not enough. Make a poster board of pictures that represent already having achieved the goal. Get them off the Internet or find a magazine. If you want to lose weight, you are not going to cut out pictures of fat people. Put this poster board somewhere visible to you throughout the day. Make numerous copies. Have one on the bathroom mirror, at work, in the living room, kitchen, ect. Put it as a banner on your phone! Cover the interior of your car with it. There is no extreme here, any passenger in your car should LITERALLY be questioning your sanity. (find out what happened to Guglielmo Marconi)

3. Reverse Engineer It. Start from the point of having it totally achieved and start working backwards. If I would have achieved (insert goal here), what would have happened right before? So on and so on. Keep working backwards until you arrive at where you are today (you now know what is next).

TIP: Your brain is very intelligent (actually beyond your capacity). Use this last process in helping you reach your goals:

1. Pick someone that already has, is, represents what your goal is (dead or alive, does not matter).

2. Ask them, imagine asking them, or read about them!

You will get the answers.

One final note. Making a plan, poster boards, and all that jazz will not carry you to your goals. YOU HAVE TO GET UP GET OUT AND GO GET SOMETHING! YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING EVERY SINGLE DAY, NO MATTER HOW SMALL, THAT LEADS YOU TOWARDS YOUR GOAL.

Now go do something about it.

Destry Brink

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